Awaken to Healing Fragrance
By:Elizabeth Anne Jones
Published on 2011-06-14 by North Atlantic Books
Written for both lay readers and practitioners, Awaken to Healing Fragrance is divided into three parts structured around the past, present, and future of aromatherapy. The book begins with profiles of prominent female historical figures—from Cleopatra to Elizabeth I—known to have used essential oils for mind, body, and spiritual health. Part two explains the value of aromatherapy today: modern methods for using essential oils—from relaxation practices like massage and facials to treating common conditions like PMS, stress, and a sore throat—and describes how and why they work. Also featured are case studies, research on anti-infectious qualities of the oils, and a section on psychoneuroimmunology that shows how essential oils can help restore the mind-body-spirit connection and create balance. Awaken to Healing Fragrance concludes by exploring the future of essential oil therapy and how it can be integrated into traditional medical systems. Jones discusses energetic medicine, creating aromatic gardens, and establishing integrative medicine clinics where doctors trained in Western medicine would collaborate with alternative therapists such as acupuncturists, nutritionists, and aromatherapists to bring a new consciousness and sense of well-being to healthcare. From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Book ID of Awaken to Healing Fragrance's Books is SLARqWOAsVEC, Book which was written byElizabeth Anne Joneshave ETAG "jV2BEANDMRc"
Book which was published by North Atlantic Books since 2011-06-14 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781583944097 and ISBN 10 Code is 1583944095
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have "360 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryHealth and Fitness
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